Well, you want statistics about us, you've got them. | ||
Online Name | Trixi / Haley | Tet / Timebase |
Real Name | Candy | Ryan |
Birthday: | Jan 2, 1980 | May 1, 1973 |
Height: | Shorter than Tet | Taller than Trixi |
Weight: | Less than Tet | More than Trixi |
E-Mail: | Yes | Yes |
Occupation: | Student | Senior Internet Druid Meridian KSI |
State: | California | Virginia |
Art: | Trixi is a beginning artist who has been drawing for nearly three years. She has just graduated high school and will be majoring in Graphic Art in college. Her goal is to get into the animation industry, and her artwork has been described as a near Warner Bros/anime style mixture. |
Tet graduated art school in Sept of 96, with a degree in Computer
Animation and Multimedia Production. An art degree, so he immediately took
a job as a programmer, doing what he left "regular" college so he wouldn't
have to be a programmer. Tet still draws in his spare time, his artwork looking alot like Trixi's, after all, she's a big influence in his art. Tet wants to draw a story, one of the stories that constantly populate his mind. Tet thinks he does better art in pure B&W... or even combined 3d/2d art, which is what he's working on doing right now. He has artwork online, go check it out.. he takes requests.. when he has the time. |
Background tidbits: | Trixi discovered Yiffnet and furry art in February of '97, when she got on the internet for the first time. She met Tet that same month. It wasn't until late October of that year, howver, that Trixi got to meet him in real life, and experience that she truly misses. Besides drawing, she enjoys bugging her pals online, reading, and playing her saxaphone. The character of Trixi is based on a pet lop rabbit her player once had. | Tet discovered furry art sometime in the middle of 95, when during art school he stumbled across a cache of furry pics. Not considering it more than cartoony art, and being an Animator in Training, he let it go at that. One day in December of 1996, he found at a comic shop an issue each of "Furlough" and "Genus", and realized it was a wider thing than he previously suspected. Scanning across web pages, and stumbling across this small irc network called "Yiffnet" So, after a rather depressing evening alone, on Valentine's Day, grabbing his worn copy of mIRC, he logged into Yiffnet. during his first session, he met Trixi, and a few dozen others. Labor Day 97, he and 61 other people converged on Memphis Tenessee, for the first "Mephit Furmeet", his first "Furry" convention. In October of 97, he flew to CA to visit Trixi for the first time... it was a weekend he never will forget. |